
how to play blackjack at home without a dealer

Playing blackjack at home without a dealer can be an enjoyable and casual way to practice your skills or have fun with friends and family. In this setup, one of the players will take on the role of the dealer for each hand. Here’s how to play:

Materials Needed:

  • Standard deck(s) of playing cards (usually one or more decks)
  • Poker chips (optional, for betting)


  1. Setup:
    • Remove any jokers from the deck(s).
    • Decide on the betting structure. You can use poker chips or play without betting for fun.
    • Choose a player to act as the dealer for the first hand. This role can rotate clockwise after each hand.
  2. Card Values:
    • Number cards (2 through 10) are worth their face value.
    • Face cards (King, Queen, Jack) are each worth 10 points.
    • Aces can be worth 1 or 11 points, depending on what benefits the player’s hand.
  3. Dealing:
    • The dealer shuffles the deck(s) thoroughly and offers the deck to the player to their right (the player to the left of the dealer in the first hand).
    • The player to the right of the dealer cuts the deck, and the dealer completes the cut.
    • Each player, including the dealer, is dealt two cards face up. The dealer’s second card is dealt face down (the hole card).
  4. Player’s Turn:
    • Starting with the player to the left of the dealer and moving clockwise, each player takes their turn.
    • Players can choose to “hit” (take another card) or “stand” (keep their current hand).
    • Players aim to get as close to 21 points as possible without exceeding it (going “bust”).
    • Players can continue to “hit” as many times as they like but should be cautious not to bust.
  5. Dealer’s Turn:
    • Once all players have completed their turns, the dealer reveals their hole card.
    • The dealer must follow specific rules for drawing additional cards. Common rules include hitting until they have 17 points or higher.
    • If the dealer busts, all remaining players win.
  6. Determining the Winner:
    • Compare the total points of each player’s hand to the dealer’s hand.
    • The player with a hand closer to 21 than the dealer without going over wins.
    • If a player and the dealer have the same point total, it’s a “push,” and the player’s bet (if applicable) is returned.
    • Blackjack, a two-card hand totaling 21 points (usually an Ace and a 10-point card), is the highest hand and typically pays out more (if betting).
  7. Payouts (if Betting):
    • If you’re using poker chips and betting, payouts can be determined based on the house rules. For example, a typical payout for a winning hand is 1:1, meaning you win an amount equal to your bet.
  8. Rotate the Dealer:
    • After each hand, the role of the dealer rotates clockwise to the next player. This ensures fairness.
  9. Keep Score (Optional):
    • If you’re playing multiple rounds, you can keep track of wins and losses to determine an overall winner.
  10. Enjoy and Learn: Playing blackjack at home without a dealer is an excellent way to practice the game and have fun with friends and family. It’s a great opportunity to improve your skills and strategy.

Remember that house rules can vary, so it’s a good idea to establish clear rules and betting structures before starting the game to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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